Thursday, June 16, 2011

Bulshit, vs. Strange models and ...

The idea "i do not want to be like my parents" sounds delusional. Logically, what you want is a good life for ,your, life, and your life is so different.
Moreover, there is so much emotional involvement in the. Parental comparison that it is hard to thik straight when this comes to mind.

Yet, this can be a useful heuristic. The model you see is a mind model, which is as stupid and as partly useful as a ny model and frame of thinking.

In a way, many of our thoughts that we consider delusional have some meaning. Many seemingly irelevant ideas and memories that "perturb" thinking bear at times some knd of relevant ideas and attitudes to the question at hand.

P.s. This is a subtle justification to stupid thoughts. Most of the time, stupid is stupid

Friday, June 3, 2011

The one dimensionality problem

Sometimes, we discover a dimension of our existence that is central. For example, we discover that lack of sleep is what makes us feeling bad, and that changing this single parameter (napping, or more sleep) will produce a big change in our lives.

The side effect is that we tend to forget that there are other dimensions. And there will always be other relevant aspects. 
Once you put all your energy in one thing, you tend to later forget the multi dimensionality of life.

This is especially crucial for artificial solutions that avoid the source of the problem.
Consider asid/base balance. It is shown that modern diets are biased towards over acidity, thereby causing a constant state of overacidity illness (weak form of the disease acidosis).
There is an easy solution to ts problem. Take potassium bicarbonate supplements. This is the base mminerals that will balance it back. And there are hints in the resach that this works.

Doing this is super. Do it. Yet the central problem of nutritional imbalance is not solved. There are clearly other aspects of health affected with unhealthy food.

Clearly do it. Clearly do not think about "there is something better" because this is a non doing saying for losers. You improve and do not care about perfectionism. Yet still, there are other aspects untreated.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Who cares abiut evolution?

I am talking to a cute girl, it is enticing to think about dragging her to bed. 
But i do not want it. I have more interesting things to do now, and besides i do not want to spend my energy on this.

Should I follow what evolution is dragging me to do?

Nature is nature. But you have got to be a moron to accept the enslavement of evolution on us,

Like all realities, these effects and emotional dynamics are there and we live with them, trick them, sometimes bend our head to them. 
But taking them as a given prescription? This is totally stupid