Saturday, January 2, 2021

Self employment's unique type of effort

 Let's say that a year of working as a cashier is easier than one day of being self-employed. 

Not the type of habituated self-employment. This is not always difficult. 
But in many cases, there is a special type of difficulty that is unique to being self-employed. And it is massive. 

Moving things is harder than working. 

A categorically different type of effort. 

Working as a cashier is enormously easy on the mental pushing side. 
You even do not need to decide to shave or put on makeup. This has already been decided for you in the company instructions. 
You do not need to decide on when to wake up. It is known and decided.

You need to robotically do it. Which might count as effort. But that's it.

when Self employed. you must push unknown things. You must initiate. You must research. You must solve problems. You must think even about where to search and how. 

Everything needs active initiative. 

You need to search for ideas. But you do not know about which side of your "plans". You do not know where and how to search. And when you start searching, you sometimes get confused and frustrated in clogged up alleys. 

This means you need lots of active pushing. Time and again. 

This is the main challenge of being self-employed.

Is being self-employed good?
A very complicated question. It depends on skills, opportunities, and personal tastes. 
But even if self-employment is vastly better. can you do it?

This effort that it takes is practically unrealistic for most of us. No matter how much better self-employment would have been. 

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